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涵盖新冠肺炎 - 所有泰安留学生&访问学者保险,HCC Atlas旅游险(WorldTrips)和揣威(Trawick)旅游险
被忽视的利好消息 - 中国访问学者及家属也可直飞美国!
作者 Michelle Z.
published at: 2021-05-27

我们在之前的文章中提到美国国务院在4月26号正式解除对来自中国、伊朗、巴西、南非、申根签证国、英国和爱尔兰等地 F、J、M 等签证持有人的14天旅行禁令。8月1日起开学的持F1、M1或者J1签证的中国留学生,可以在开学前30天内直接从中国飞往美国,无需先去第三方国家隔离14天。详见链接: 美国官宣:恢复留学生签证发放,允许中国留学生直飞美国


5月12日美国国务院发出新的通知,对4月26日政策进行了补充,除了留学生以外,包括中国等地的访问学者 (include those in the professor, research scholar, short-term scholar, or specialist categories) 也获得美国国家利益豁免 (NIE) 资格,这意味着持J签证的访问学者也不受14天入境隔离政策限制,可直接飞赴美国!具体请参考链接:相关内容加亮标出如下:
The Secretary of State has determined that the entry of the following travelers is in the national interest for purposes of exceptions to all four proclamations. The Secretary may revise these national interest determinations as circumstances warrant.

  • immigrants of all categories (not applicable to Proclamation 10199, which only covers nonimmigrant travel);
  • fiancé(e)s of U.S. citizens and their dependents (K visas);
  • certain exchange visitors as detailed within this article;
  • students (F, M, and certain J visas) as described here.  New or returning students present in China, Brazil, Iran, South Africa, or India may arrive  no earlier than 30 days before the start of an academic program beginning August 1, 2021 or after, including optional practical training (OPT);
  • academics (certain J visas to include those in the professor, research scholar, short-term scholar, or specialist categories);
  • journalists (I visas);
  • travelers providing vital support for critical infrastructure sectors, or directly linked supply chains, as outlined at;
  • pilots and aircrew traveling for training or aircraft pickup, delivery, or maintenance;
  • those whose purpose of travel falls within one of these categories:


5月13号美国国务院还批准了上述留学生和访问学者的直系家属的美国国家利益豁免 (NIE) 资格,意味着这些直系家属也不受14天入境隔离政策限制,可直接飞赴美国!具体请参考链接:,  相关内容加亮标出如下:
Students and academics subject to these proclamations due to their presence in China, Iran, Brazil, or South Africa may qualify for an NIE only if their academic program begins August 1, 2021 or later. Derivative family members accompanying a noncitizen who has been granted or would be reasonably expected to receive an NIE  and who is engaging in certain types of long-term employment, studies, or research lasting four weeks or more are also excepted.  Qualified travelers who are applying for or have valid visas or ESTA authorization may travel to the United States following the procedures below.

友情提醒: 留学生能够享受14天旅行禁令豁免的必须是学校在2021年8月1后开学,最早可以提前一个月 (2021年7月1日起) 直飞美国,早于这个日期入境仍需要绕道第三国。



鉴于过去一年的美领馆停摆状态, 今年美领馆重新开放面签之后几乎天天爆满, 预约号更是一号难求。建议准备赴美的访学老师尽早准备, 如还没有拿到 DS2019 表格的请尽快申请。美国泰安公司提供符合DS2019要求的保险, 目前访问学者及家属保险还有保费9折优惠和买大送小的优惠,详情请见泰安官网: