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Covid-19 Coverage - Included in all Student & Scholar plans, HCC Atlas Travel (WorldTrips) and Trawick travel plan
IMG Europe GlobeHopper Single Trip
Plan Summary
Insurance Provider IMG (International Medical Group) through IMG Europe Ltd
Medical Provider Network UnitedHealthcare Options network provides access to broadest top tier national network in the US. Convenient access to simplified claims processing and direct billing.
Plan Type GlobeHopper Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance is for anyone traveling outside their residence country. Choose your coverage area from Europe only, Worldwide Excluding the US and Canada, or Worldwide.
Maximum Benefit Euro: €75,000, €200,000, €400,000, €800,000
Pounds: ₤60,000, ₤150,000, ₤300,000, ₤600,000
Dollars: $100,000, $250,000, $500,000, $1,000,000
Deductible (Insured pays before insurance pays) The term for deductible is Excess in Europe
Euro: €0, €75, €200, €400
Pounds: ₤0, ₤60, ₤150, ₤300
Dollars: $0, $100, $250, $500
Illness or Injury Coinsurance Outside the US there is no coinsurance.
In the US - Plan pays 90% up to €4,000, ₤3,000, or $5,000 in PPO then plan pays 100%.
In the US Plan pays 80% up to €4,000, ₤3,000, or $5,000 out of PPO then plan pays 100%.
Hospital Room & Board Up to the Max for average semi-private room rate
Intensive Care Up to the Maximum
Emergency Room URC for injury or illness resulting in hospitalization. Additional €200, ₤150, or $250 deductible for illness without hospitalization
Prescription Drugs Limit based on Plan Maximum. See “Benefit Details” link.
Surgery Care Up to the Maximum
Preadmission Tests Up to the Maximum
Doctor Visit Up to the Maximum
Outpatient Surgery Up to the Maximum
Xray and Lab Up to the Maximum
Anesthesia Up to the Maximum
Ambulance Up to Maximum for injury resulting in needed emergency care, or illness resulting in hospital admission. Otherwise not covered.
Accident Dental Up to the Maximum
Trip Benefits N/A
Accidental Death & Loss of Limb Common Carrier: €40,000, ₤30,000 or $50,000
Other: €20,000, ₤16,000, or $25,000
Medical Evacuation €400,000, ₤300,000, or $500,000
Repatriation of Remains €40,000, ₤30,000, or $50,000
Group Pricing 5 or more primary insured have about 10% discount
Benefit Details
Insurance Price Chart
€75,000 Benefit, €200 Deductible - Europe Area of Coverage
Age Monthly Premium
< 30 €23.10
30-39 €26.10
40-49 €42.90
50-59 €74.10
60-64 €93.90
65-69 €99.90
Child €20.10
₤60,000 Benefit, ₤150 Deductible - Europe Area of Coverage
Age Monthly Premium
< 30 ₤18.30
30-39 ₤20.70
40-49 ₤34.50
50-59 ₤59.10
60-64 ₤75.30
65-69 ₤80.10
Child ₤15.90
$100,000 Benefit, $250 Deductible - Europe Area of Coverage
Age Monthly Premium
< 30 $29.70
30-39 $33.60
40-49 $55.50
50-59 $95.40
60-64 $121.20
65-69 $129.00
Child $25.80
UnitedHealthcare Options
UnitedHealthcare Options network provides access to broadest top tier national network in the US. Convenient access to simplified claims processing and direct billing.
Purchase a plan. Group pricing available!
5 or more primary insured have about 10% discount
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Is IMG Europe GlobeHopper Single Trip for you?

GlobeHopper Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance for anyone traveling out of their country of residence.

GlobeHopper Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance is designed for anyone traveling out of their country of residence, regardless of visa status. Cost starts at about $1/day. Purchase 5 days - 1 year, and renewable up to 2 years if 1 month or more is purchased initially. After submitting an application online successfully, you will receive an Email in a few minutes which contains your insurance ID card and your confirmation letter (Visa Letter). You can use the confirmation letter as proof of your insurance.

GlobeHopper Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance is our most popular travel medical plan for travelers to Europe or the UK. Schengen Visa Insurance requires €30,000 Benefit. €40,000 Benefit with €0 deductible is the most popular plan meeting the Schengen visa insurance requirement.

GlobeHopper Single Trip Travel Medical Insurance is available with benefits payable in US Dollars ($), Euro (€) or Pounds (₤)